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Thu June 2nd, 2022 7:00 P.M.


In accordance with Article IV, Section 4.5 of the Bylaws of The Marseille Homeowners Association, Inc., you are hereby given notice that the Annual Homeowners meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd 2022, at 7:00 P.M. The meeting will be held Electronically on a platfomr to be sent out.

    for the following purpose:


I.             Call to order and Certify Proxies

II.           Proof of Notice of Meeting

III.          Reading and disposal of Unapproved Minutes of Prior Meeting

IV.          Reports of Officers

V.            Election of Directors

VI.          Unfinished Business

VII.        New Business

VIII.       Adjournment


(At this time there are Positions up for election or reelection, You may send in a form for consideration) -The membership will be electing a Director. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, please complete the enclosed Nomination form and e-mail, mail, or fax it to Westward RMG at the address listed below prior to the meeting. Additional nominations may also be taken from the floor.


The Bylaws state that in order to hold the meeting and conduct business of the Association, there must be a quorum present. A quorum is the number of homes represented either in person or by proxy. The quorum required to conduct business is 51%. If the quorum for the annual meeting is not met, the Association must recall the meeting which incurs additional expenses in printing, postage, room rental fees, etc.

Please sign and return the enclosed proxy even if you plan to attend the meeting as unforeseen circumstances do occur.


If you have questions or concerns that you would like addressed at the meeting, please fill out the form below and mail, fax, or email ( at Westward RMG prior to the meeting.

Westward Realty and Management Group
17304 Preston Rd. Ste 800
, Dallas, TX 75252
Office 214-299-8590 X 1 - Fax 1-866-264-0740

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 Payments can be mailed made out to Marseille HOA to the address below.

On this page we will keep you posted on projects and notices. The new blog is a place to make comments and suggestions for the

 A new late fee schedule will go into effect on February 1st.

On the 15th of the month there will be a $50 late charge. If dues have not arrived by the 30th of the month, an additional late fee of $50 will be applied.


HOA Logins and Links

*Marseille Member Portal

*HOA Board Portal

*Resale Certificate and questionnaire instructions'.

*Pay Resale Certificate.

*Pay by Instruction





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