Use the 8 digit MLS#'s when you
(use the agents e-mail form the contact menu)
to check on properties. We will check the actual status and set the
appointment to view the property. there is no charge to you for this
service (Fees paid by landlords) and we can show you any property listed by any agency. You
only need to call one number to check status on any property as you
collect prospects on-line and do drive bys to verify workability for
Call for instructions for the
fax machine number that is most convenient.
Request Information- Need additional help
narrowing your search or needs contact an agent form the Contact
Lease Procedures- The process in detail and suggested
reading to begin with. Main site for Circle C
Properties full service Real Estate Dallas Guide and a
lot more for information and entertainment
Please: by answering these questions it will
greatly help expedite the process.
Have you driven by the property?
Can you verify 3 x's the rental amount in
What is your move date?
Have you given notice?
What kind and how many pets?
Cell phone ?
Credit problems?